Hey, everyone, meet Tama!
As you know my baby, Moogie, passed away last year. She was 19. She was my first kitty. At the time, we got her, we had TD and Clark. We'd gotten Clark just a few days before Moogie, so they were buddies. TD thought she was a human, Clark acted like a dog. But Moogie knew it was best to be a cat.
I knew I'd have to get another kitty when I got back. I started looking at the Neenah Animal Shelter
website. On the website, you can see the cats and dogs available for adoption. I was looking for a kitten.
In the petfood section at Wallyworld, there are pictures of kitties and goggies at the shelter wanting new homes. Rob saw a cute kitty named Greta . Long story short: Tama is Greta's new name. She was brought in to the shelter after being found outside. Since Greta isn't her real name, I decided to change it to Tama. Tama is a very popular name for female cats in Japan, and my friend in Australia has a kitty named Tama as well. She is about two years old, and had just had a litter of kittens before being brought to the shelter.
Her coloring is called "dilute tortie". She looks like a black and orange tortoiseshell that had been left in the sun to fade. And she has cowlick on her chin that looks like a goatee.
At first there was a lot of yowling and hissing when all the cats were allowed to meet in person. Now they can all be in the same room with only the occasional growl, hiss or yowl.
Tama is the smallest of our three kitties, but don't worry about her! I've seen her tackle Orangie, who weighs almost twice as much as she does, and chase him down the hall!