I was in the grocery store and ran into another English teacher who lives in my apartment building. We compared basket contents, and she wondered why I had canned cat food in mine as we are not allowed to have pets. I explained that when I send a box home, I send treats for my cats. Don't look at me that way. They are NOT spoiled. Much. Well, OK, but they deserve it.
No, I don't label the cat food as such. First, I give the folks at home credit for knowing not to eat anything with a cat on the label. (Why are pet food and baby food the exceptions to the rule that the product itself is pictured on food container labels? If they aren't exceptions, I don't want to know.) And second, we all know that any cat food I buy is probably good enough for people as well.
This one is bonito and shrimp.
This one is tuna, with crab added.
This one is first rate tuna.
Poor Rob. A box from you must be a real hodgepodge.
That's pretty funny J. I would do the same for my 2 hounds though. It would be very funny if they start waiting at the window for the postman :-)
Take care!
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