Mikan refer to all native oranges, but mostly to mandarin oranges.
Chuhai is an alchoholic beverage. Ume are often referred as plums, but are actually related to apricots.
Most sodas and such in .5 liter bottles are ¥98 in stores, and ¥120-150 from vending machines. They are about the size of a 16 ounce soda bottle.
Aquarius is like Pocari Sweat: not too sweet, no describable flavor. It's made by Coca-Cola.
These are thinner than in the US.
You have to buy these to put out burnable trash.
(similar to ginger-- I haven't tried them yet)
This is probably the best deal, compared to the US.
Grand total: ¥2,149 = $20.01 US.
I'll put the salmon, myoga, some shiitake, some onion and some hokusai in the rice cooker with some rice to make dinner tonight. The rest of the hokusai will probably end up in a stir fry, or okonomiyaki. Yum!
Okay, so the obvious question is:
what's the exchange rate?
Your Dad has shown me how to get on your blog. I keep proimising myself that I will se this machine more but I guess I lie to myself. Will try to do better.
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