Time in Japan

Sunday, October 22, 2017

カレー Curry!

As I write this, there is a typhoon bearing down on Japan.  It's been raining all day, but it's not particularly windy yet.  Weather forecasts are mixed about what will happen, and when it will happen.  Here are the warnings and advisories from the Japan Meteorological Agency.

I live on the second floor of a building on a hill, so I'm not worried about flooding in my apartment.  I also stocked up on food.

It has rained most of yesterday and all of today.  It's the kind of weather that brings out facetious remarks about building large boats, collecting pairs of animals and finding out what exactly a cubit is.

But as you can see, it's just wet here. These trees aren't moving around much.

I'll write about the typhoon after I know what's happened.

Meanwhile, I'm having Japanese curry for dinner. You can get very spicy Japanese curry, but usually it's a sweet curry.  I like it. It's a popular lunch at schools, too.

I'm making it using a packaged roux.  There are several to choose from -- different brands and different spiciness levels.

This one is Vermont Curry.  I've seen curry roux in stores in the US -- it's not hard to find. 甘口 tells me it's sweet and not to spicy for my delicate tongue.

Basically, though, making it is the same regardless of brand.  Ingredients include a meat of your choice, potato, onion and carrot.  Cut all that up into bite-sized pieces.  Cook all of it in a bit of oil until the onions soften a bit.  Then add water, and boil for about 15 minutes.  Add the roux and let it cook for about 10 minutes on low heat, stirring occasionally to break up and melt all the roux!

Here's the whole package of roux.  You can make only half if you only want 6 servings.

Here's what the roux looks like.

It's usually served over rice.  Half the package of roux makes enough curry for 6 people, so I'm skipping the rice and having a larger portion of curry.  I have enough for lunch an at least dinner tomorrow, too!

I made mine with chicken, but stew meat of any kind will also work.  I don't know why something like shrimp wouldn't work, either, but I'd add that at the very end.  I also err on the side of excess with onion, but that's me.

Here's the final product.  This is great for chilly evenings, and I'll be making this often.  I just have to figure out how to reheat it without a microwave.  Or buy a microwave.






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