Time in Japan

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Weather or not to buy a poncho

That's a pun, not a grammatical error or typo!

I love my bike -- it gets me places faster, with less wear and tear on my shoulders or feet.  However, it doesn't always get along with the weather.  It rains a lot in Japan, and recent weather has been no exception.  It just started raining as I type this.

Since bikes share the sidewalk or road with pedestrians and cars (or both at the same time), it's important to follow the safety rules. It will also keep you out of trouble with the police. Here are some things that cyclists are not allowed to do in Japan -- all common sense, really.

  • Have blood alcohol over 0%
  • Have a passenger, unless you are carrying a child in a baby/child seat.
  • Use your cell phone.
  • Not have your light on when it's dark.
  • Take right turns like a car -- bikes should do a two-step turn, like a pedestrian would.
  • Carry an umbrella.
The last one is what has me walking on days when rain is possible. So today, I got a poncho. Since I have a cover for my back pack and one for my basket, I'm all set!  

I found one on sale, but the best part is the pattern:

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