Time in Japan

Thursday, May 29, 2008


I've been eating a lot of stuff from the deli at the local grocery stores. Tonight, I decided it was time to start cooking again. I had found some okonomiyaki mix, so that's what I made.

Okonomiyaki is also called "Japanese Pizza". That's something of a misnomer. There is pizza in Japan, which is different from both okonomiyaki and American pizza. Japanese pizza topping options include seafood and corn, along with the sort of things American would expect to find on pizza.

Okonomiyaki (Okonomi means "as you like" and yaki means "grilled") is more like a savory pancake, with stuff in the batter. Usually the batter has dashi in it, which is a broth made from dried bonito. Since I used a mix for the batter, I just added an egg and water. Okonomiyaki also usually has cabbage, and whatever else you like. I make it with shrimp, bacon and onion if I have it. Then I put okonomiyaki sauce and furikake (small bits of nori and sesame seeds) on top. Mayonnaise is often used as a topping as well.

Tonight, I also had a very small beer -- 135 ml. It's not enough to get you in trouble in Wisconsin, but here the limit for driving is 0%, so even this tiny beer is off-limits if you intend to drive.


owenandbenjamin said...

My wife who is Japanese has called it a Japanese pancake.

Anonymous said...

I had a gyro wrap in a Greek restaurant called"Opa!' today. It was great.

Anonymous said...

We have a date for Pepperoni Pizza when you get back.


Anonymous said...

Wonder if the people who invented pizza would even know what you were talking about! "Hey, pass me the pizza. No, the pizza. No, the thing on the pink flowered plate. Yes, it is too a pizza."