Time in Japan

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Finally! I've escaped beginner level!

This the fourth time I've studied at Yamasa.

The previous three times, I stayed one month.  Each time I was at a level that used a textbook called "Minna no Nihongo II" ("Japanese for Everyone II).  Both of the Minna no Nihongo books cover a beginner level of Japanese.

My problem was that after I finished studying, life got in the way, and I would either progress no further on my own, or actually regress.

This time, I'm studying for  twelve weeks.  I've just finished the level that is currently called "SC Class". Tomorrow, I will start "SE Class" (Apparently there is no "SD Class"), which is marked 中級, or "intermediate" on the schedule.

Yay!  I have just escaped perpetual beginner status!

I received my materials for the next week (Friday - Thursday), and it looks intense, which will be great.  I'll have six weeks of this.

I'm really looking forward to it.


Anonymous said...

I am with you Jen in all this. Ganbarimashou

Me said...

Thanks, Sam!